Funding Solutions

JPM Capital endeavours to provide timely and appropriate solutions to all of our clients funding needs.


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Is your forthcoming Tax payment creating a burden on your cash-flow?

For most businesses, managing Tax payments can place an incredible strain on cash-flow. Our Tax funding facilities are designed to ease this burden. Our funders can make the Tax payment on your behalf and set up a fixed repayment option over the following months.
Even if you have cash reserves available, with a low interest facility it may make more sense to protect capital and/or invest in more profitable endeavours for the business.

What are the benefits?

  • Quick turnaround, decisions within 24 hours
  • Minimal red-tape / information required to process application
  • Can fund Personal or Corporate Tax Bills
  • Flexible repayment options, typically 6-12 months
  • Can fund historic Tax / Tax arrears
  • Separate from existing bank facilities
  • Dedicated Account Manager handing application from start to finish

To discuss funding today please fill out our get a quote form
– OR –
Call 01 485 4048

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